Family tree maker 2014 descendant report
Family tree maker 2014 descendant report

You can change font options by clicking on the second icon, Fonts. Once you have made your selections click OK and your report will automatically be updated. From the Notes panel you can choose to Include person notes, Include fact notes, Include research notes, Include private notes and Include relationship notes. From the Fact options panel you can choose to Include only preferred facts, Include blank facts, Include sources, Use specified order and Display user-defined short place names. For example, if you choose to display last names in all capital letters, this wouldn’t change the way names are displayed in your family tree or in your index of individuals in the People workspace. Please note that the options you choose are only applicable to the report that you’re working on. A window specific to that fact will open. You can also change the labeling options for each included fact by selecting the fact in your list and clicking the Options button underneath the list of included facts. To change the order in which facts are listed for each individual, select the fact you wish to move and use the Up and Down arrows to change where it appears in the list. This opens up another window with a list of the facts available to add to your report. To add a fact, click on the Blue Plussign. Additionally, you have the option to Include person notes, research notes, relationship notes, fact notes and private notes. You can also choose to Include only preferred facts, private facts, blank facts, sources, Use specified order and Display user-defined short place name. Clicking this icon opens a window from which you can add and remove facts from your report. The Items to Include icon will let you add any facts or notes you’ve entered in your tree, whether it’s someone’s birth date or their weight, to your report. Below we cover all the options that may be available in the report of your choice. The same options are available to you in nearly every report and vary slightly depending on which version of family tree maker you are utilizing. There are several customization options available from the icons at the top of the Report Options panel to the right of Report Preview.

Family tree maker 2014 descendant report how to#

For more information on how to share or save your report as an external file please click here Note: These options are also available when you select the Share button in the top left hand corner of Family Tree Maker.

  • This icon allows you to view your report from a distance several different ways.
  • These arrows allow you to navigate to different pages of the document.
  • These icons allow you to zoom in and out.
  • Click on the arrow to select a zoom percentage, or type a number in the box.
  • This option allows you to choose the zoom level of your report.
  • This Hand Tool icon allows you to grab and drag the document to move the page around.
  • By right clicking your mouse, anywhere within the preview area of your report, you will have the following options available: Right clicking options are the same regardless of the report you choose to create. In the Preview area of your report there are several options for viewing, as well as general information about the report. Simply search our knowledge base by inputting the name of the report you would like to create in the Search Online Help field. We also have individual help articles that guide you through creating any report you choose. This is a general overview covering the various options for customizing, formatting and saving a report of your choice.

    Family tree maker 2014 descendant report